1. When to sign up and how to choose a shooting date, because the exact date of the baby’s appearance is unknown?
I plan a certain number of photo shoots per month. Registration is carried out according to the DA, and we agree on the exact date after the baby is born. Therefore, when the discharge date is known, you can plan the shooting date. No pre-registration is required. All you need is a phone number, EDD, and the baby’s gender if you know who you’re expecting.
2. What is the best age for a newborn photo session?
It is better to conduct a photo session within 5 to 14 days of the crumbs. At this time, babies sleep better, which means they react less to external factors. This means that the baby will be more willing to pose and change clothes. And at this age, as a rule, children are not yet bothered by their tummies, which means that the shooting will be faster and more comfortable for all participants in the process. From experience I can say that the best age is 6-9 days from birth.
3. Where is the photo shoot taking place?
The photo session takes place at your home. I need very little space and it doesn’t matter at all the interior and light. I will bring everything I need with me — from props to professional studio lighting.
4. We want to reschedule the photo session because we were born prematurely / the baby weighs little / he needs to get stronger, etc.
Starting from the 5th day of the baby’s life, the photo session can be carried out regardless of the date on which he was born and his weight. Development outside the womb is much faster, and the neonatal period itself will be 14 days from the ACTUAL date of birth. The photo session takes place in the most careful and comfortable conditions, since I work only with physiological poses for the baby, and the air temperature heats up if necessary. A heat fan is used at the photo shoot (I will bring it too)
5. Where can I get the necessary props and outfits?
I have everything I need for a photo session. Baskets, backgrounds, buckets, outfits and accessories are already included in the price. Their number depends only on the content of the package you choose. You can entrust the choice and combination to me or choose the options yourself. If this is an important item for you, please let us know!
6. How are props processed?
Textiles are washed with hypoallergenic powder and double rinsed after shooting. Before shooting, it additionally undergoes steam treatment. If it is impossible to wash or steam (for example, baskets), then they are treated with an antibacterial spray.
7. Who puts the baby on the set?
All the manipulations at the photo session are carried out by me — I change clothes, swaddle and put them to bed. You are nearby, and if there is a need to be with the baby, feed him or he needs a mother, this is possible without restrictions.
8. How long does a photo shoot take?
On average, a photo session lasts from one and a half to three, rarely four hours. It depends on the chosen package and the mood of the baby at the shooting. Some babies need more time to fall asleep or eat.
9. How long to wait for photos?
On average, it takes about 4 weeks from the date of shooting to receiving photos. This period may be slightly shorter or longer, depending on the current workload and the amount of work.
10. And if we didn’t have time to shoot in the first 14 days?
The success of the photo session depends not only on age, but also to a greater extent on the baby. In my practice, there were cases of successful filming both in 3 weeks and in 1.5 months. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that there may be a few less cute poses and “sleeping shots”. Perhaps there will be more shots with open eyes or with the use of decorative swaddling.

After the photoshoot
- production time — 4-6 weeks depending on the workload
— 100% payment on the day of shooting
— photos are stored with me for 4 months. In case of loss, recovery is free
PLEASE NOTE that photographs are an integral part of my work, they show my level and give the potential heroes of the shooting an opportunity to make their choice. In this regard, I reserve the possibility of publishing them on social networks, placing them on printed materials, as well as presenting them at competitions. But I also respect your right to privacy, so if publication is not possible or will be allowed from a certain date, please let us know in advance.